Friday, September 08, 2006

Be still

photo: Ely Cathedral
Be still.
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still.
Stay the moment between thought and deed
and fall into My space.
Stop your rushing wearisome time;
that emotion draining,
fear engulfing, workshop of frenetics.
Cease to become,just be.
Be who you are
be how you are
be you.
Let Me be Me too.
Let My presence kiss yours
however fleetingly or passionately
you may need.
Let us embrace as lovers
not merely friends.
Be still.


Unknown said...

Oh, I absolutely LOVE this! You must have simply taken dictation from our wonderful God. : )

Alan said...

now this is one where the picture distracted me from the poem -- I kept wanted to aoom in on the red and orange . . . um, tapestry?

But after I copied it to another site and just read the poem, I agree -- it's wonderful.