Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Eve

New Year’s eve:
the days have gone
like Autumn leaves
fallen, bright with colour,
or abandoned and trampled
a muddy carpet of discarded days.

We choose what we take
beyond the gate
into another year
bright with promise.
We choose what grows
on unwritten days
and blooms from branch and twig.

Surprise birds may come:
cling and nestle in our arms
warm with life
and their noisy chatter,
or leave
in argument, their detritus -
defecating stains the sign of trespass.

As the days come,
so the longing of light
fondles the chilled gnashing of twigs
into the passionate embrace
of bud and leaf
and tomorrows
bright with promise. 

Happy New Year every one.

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