Monday, June 12, 2006

To see you smile

To see you smile

To see you smile
is to receive your touch of blessing,
included in your world,
for short moments.
To see behind those moated eyes
beyond all camouflage of fate,
all despised darkness of infirmity,
that you know the brief
fleeting glint of light,
is purest joy.

You are loved.

Take this hand for each
dangerous adventure of step
until you are strong.
Take this hand for untold tomorrows
lying in ambush for your soul
your smile
your joy.

You are loved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely, but I keep wanting to hear "un-understood" for "despised" and "puzzle" for "darkness."

I think "despised darkness" is too strong a judgement for us to make.

But you're the poet, and a better one than I shall ever be.
