Thursday, January 27, 2022

You and me


I sang on the doorstep

as the clapping died down,

filled Thursday evenings

with songs of love.

I knew you cared

for those you did not know

tended suffering souls

with life at fade

and those brought low

by Covid tirade.

I didn't know you

but sang because you cared

for the bed-bound

who struggled for air:

breath compromised,

immunity confounded.


the surrogate family

for the isolated, limboed souls,

the fearful and those

whose hopes were as shallow

as their breathing.

I sang for you on the doorstep,

then you sang for me

a song of care

when I searched for breath

that wasn't there.


1 comment:

Richard Hubbard said...

That's a wonderful poem, Keith. And I can hear your heart and sorrow in it. Hoping and praying for more healing for your Long Covid.