Friday, December 26, 2014

Sometimes as shepherds

Sometimes as shepherds afraid, grimy,
ashamed of our shabbiness
we approach the manger-cross.

Sometimes as kings, haughty, self-assured
confident of our position
we approach the manger-cross.

Sometimes as shepherds.
And we come,
slowly, and still in fear
nothing to offer, nothing of worth,
to this manger-cross holy place:
set aside in time and space for purpose.
Each forward step
a warming, glowing friendship greets us.
Each step closer to tears,
each broken-hearted step
a step closer to the mending heart of God.

Sometimes as kings.
And we come,
purposeful and determined
gold-incense present-carrying
to this manger-cross holy place:
set aside in time and space for purpose.
Each forward step
a disarming, glowing furnace melts our offering.
Each step closer to fear
each fear inducing step
a step closer to the restoring heart of God.

Sometimes as shepherds,
though mostly as kings,
we come to our places of manger-cross:
in church, at home, at the unexpected moment,
to receive
not the Christmas present
but the ever present Christ.

1 comment:

Richard Hubbard said...

Excellent work, Keith! Another thought provoking poem.