Monday, August 01, 2011

I drink

I visit here.
This is not my home,
this is the magnet of invitation
the seduction of colour and sweetness.
I drink deeply of the occasion
burrowing the awning lips of its summoning.
We share this delight
my purple friend and I.
I dowse between its fellows
both midwife and thief -
bringing the offering of reproduction,
taking the syrup of life.
Your beguiling is short-lived,
this seductive enticement passes
as colour falls and petals pass away.
But we share these moments
as I drink your beauty
and you shower me with gold.

first published Aug 2011 in FaithFilledFamily magazine


Jackie said...

very nice poem, beautiful photo!

Traci B said...

Beautiful photo and such a vivid, intimate poem! Congratulations on its publication, Keith. :)