Tuesday, April 20, 2010



Who knows your spread
in mingled earth
the depth of your stretch ?
Nourishment embraces there,
in the darkness,
like lovers’ stolen moments
a kiss before a journey.
Who knows your care
for the snugglers taking refuge
in rooted hollows,
transient visitors between your feet ?
Buds of life stir
as Spring gushes
and blushes green
with promise.
like so many Springs which ring
in your history
and will tell tales in your passing.
But the recounting of your husbandry
and the fleeting of lives
that touched you,
new breaths of your midwifery,
will remain a mystery
untold, unboasted.
And when I embrace the earth,
when time completes its cumbersome span
with its intimate kiss,
where will my roots have tracked and traced ?
Where will the fleeting of lives
have crossed within my span
and sensed some care ?

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