Thursday, January 18, 2007

Where's my duck

How can this be ?
A fascination of droplets
disappearing in splash
and tinkle,
bead and sparkle,
mutating to lap and ripple.
What colours and shapes and sizes are these ?
Where do they begin, who wrote the formula
and gave this water a skin.
A universe of questions:
a feel of touches,
a spring of sounds
discoveries for brain bud
and expanding mind.
Where does the dirt go,
why does soap make empty floating droplets ?
Why does water wrinkle my fingers
and echo my searching face ?


Tanya said...

Keith - I love this!! Too funny.

Unknown said...

I love the joy of it!

Rulan said...

lol. I love this and I love the photo.
Yeah, yeah, I saw it mentioned at cw so I had to come and see. That's me. :)