Tuesday, May 30, 2006



Sunlight drapes itself lazily
in fibrous mesh.
A celebration of filaments
twine and wrestle,
an embodiment of thoughts
that hijack quiet moments
that still small voice.
The allure is there
inviting a journey within
a fascination of mingled strands
like some straw haired siren
with pleading eyes.
To go within is to enter a web
toward dangerous teeth
or richest treasure
each footfall rippling the approach,
each step a fanfare
a vue halloo to wanton hounds.
There is no gain
at the mouth of these threads
to follow is to explore darker passages
to brave undiscovered tangles
and wonder at cobbled words.
Hero dare you wait that voice ?
The eloquent, still, voice.
The small golden voice that says life.


Anonymous said...

Your poetry moves me and inspires me. Thanks for planting this garden of wordsculptures.


Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.