Thursday, October 18, 2012


October weaves its art;
the blended air contrives
a hiding game,
a mask of mist,
a monochrome
veil of hanging dew.

There is more than meets the eye
this shallow dawn greeting,
the reveal of light,
day opening
the aperture
of discovering.

And from the grey
a belief of what is there
grows clearer in the approach.
Heaven’s gates
the shuttered
and a portrait
in a distant attic
wrinkles, aging,
in the darkness
that went before.
 This is part of the October blog chain of writing on the theme 'discovery' by members of  Please see the full list of those involved (in the right hand column) and visit a few of the others.


chris said...

There is usually more than meets the eye, right? I guess that's a huge part of discovery, for those who choose to look closely enough. Love it Keith!!

Anonymous said...

Loved this one. My favorite line(s):

a mask of mist,
a monochrome
veil of hanging dew.

Love that our belief in "what is there" does indeed come better into view as we near.

Bill Jones said...

Good words - thanks

Jack Brown said...

such beauty and tommorrow a new vista
everyday a new discovery if only we look
good one Keith

TraciB said...

Beautiful photo and a haunting poem to go with it, especially that last verse. There's hope, but there's a touch of melancholy too. Well done, Keith.

Tracy Krauss said...

Once again you have captured the word with eloquence

Christine L.Henderson said...

You do have a way with words. I especially liked the veil of hanging dew.

From Carols Quill said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, Keith!