Saturday, September 21, 2024

Beyond the moment


Your eyes steal you away:

the steely prison of the moment

cannot stop your escape.

Baggage remains unclaimed,

discarded, abandoned,

shed in the journey

beyond this moment.

The shadow of a kiss

stays, soft and silent,

imprinted on your lips

like unspoken words

held back for fear

of losing them.

The moment has stolen you

in its moon tide;


winged with wind,

draw you distant

to the echo

of a sound

yet to be made.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Knife Angel

Knife Angel

What is in your eyes,

as you gaze down in sadness,

at those around your feet

who return your stare ?

You bear the weight of souls

within the blades you have saved

from deadly purpose

that inhabit your form,

in sinews of steel.

The blood of rust, tearfully,

cascades from blade to blade

as you sentinel dismay.

There is an unspoken plea

in the mouth of your hands

which speaks,

above the dumbness of metal:

dismay, futility

and the inevitability of nothing learned.

On your deadly feathered wings

you carry the mourning

of the life-deprived;

engraved names

whose uncompleted journeys

leave scars and wounds

beyond blood

in those who grieve.

I have seen you,

yet others pass by,

in unanswered conversation

and unmet eyes,

armed with discontent

honed to sharpness

and the cutting edge of fear

and pay no heed.

Friday, March 29, 2024





All is silence.......

until  a crescendo of birdsong

fanfares day,

hailing the coming of sun,

the return of the Son.

The silent stones of Palm Sunday

attend the moved rock

of this Easter Sunday

silent in awe.

There are no palm leaves here,

discarded fronds  blown away

by the week of wind, of storm,

and the mischief of history.

Saturday, March 23, 2024



It is quiet,
the dark of night
brings its hollow solitude.

Like an ebbed shoreline
knowing the tide will return
but for here, for now,
parched of the salty caress
of the tendrilled sea,
I am missing you.

There may be the vestige of your scent
lying beside me in empty
untangled bedclothes,
but Tantalus Covid
hides it within its tarrying fingers.
I sense the scent
with imagination
not nasal appreciation.

I sense you
as I fall into that solitude,
the void,
that sleep dictates.
You may step into that unknown
holding my hand
or leave me marooned
to the unwinding
of slumbers control.

When I awake,
released from dreaming confinement
you will still be distnt,
though close as breathing,
close as rhythm,
as pulsing
as the tide,
as the longing
that separation endows.